"Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm."
I can't stop obsessing over these wise words I heard a few weeks ago, spoken by Winston Churchill.
Taking on the act of entrepreneurship is no small feat. Add a full-time job to that, the day-to-day must-do tasks of life, and your passions that are essential to being you and you've got yourself quite the challenge: the time for it all.
We all experience our own manner of challenges in life and they're all different, hence why life is so beautiful. Because we experience it differently from one another and we learn and become empowered by others' stories in it.
We relate to each other with different circumstances because in a way, whatever we're going through we all know we're in it together. Life isn't easy. We're all human and that's a piece of being.
It can be so easy to put off that thing to another day. To experience failure after failure and tell yourself that maybe this isn't working. Maybe this is just too much for me to handle.
I encourage you though, to stop right there.
To chase your endeavors like your life depends on it. Like your dreams depend on the actions you take. Because in reality, if we take a step back and analyze those words, isn't it the damn truth?
We only have one and each day is ticking by as we choose what we are to make of ours.
That one cloudy Colorado afternoon where I was done for that day's job hunt after sabbatical-ing for 8 months and instead decided to ponder on other things, and the idea of: "What would it take for me to open up my own women's online boutique in Colorado?" came about - I had NO idea what would come after.
The frustration, the joy, the pauses, the exhaustion, the beauty of personal growth that would come with it.
Every day is a journey. To fitting it in, to the balancing act, to really taking a step back and thinking about what I want this to be. What do I want for me?
I tell you what, I think it's a question we ask ourselves for the entirety of our time on earth. What do we want out of this life? And that's okay. It's okay to be constantly growing and failing and figuring out what it is that makes us feel that purpose of living: that feeling to feel alive.
Every day I fail. I fail in my job; I fail at accomplishing all the things on my to-do lists. But the reality is, we're supposed to fail.
Failure is an obstacle in the process that is supposed to occur. Without it, we wouldn't be grateful for the small wins, for the leaps we take to get to where we dream of. Maybe we wouldn't be inspired in the first place to even take those leaps that instill fear and risk.
If it wasn't hard, what would be the excitement of reaching our dreams?
I say all of this because I want you to know that you are not alone in failing. You are on the course of life and as long as you keep pushing, as long as you keep believing that you are destined to attain the life you desire - IT IS YOURS, my friend. It is yours.
But you have to keep pushing forward.
Because success? It's walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm. So, keep that enthusiasm. Tell it to F off on the days you need to, but then say "sorry, I didn't really mean that" and keep on pushing.
Because YOU GOT THIS. I am sure of it. If you believe that it's yours, the future is exactly that. It's yours.